domingo, 19 de abril de 2009


Quadro de Telomar Florêncio...

4 comentários:

Taninha disse...

Achei ótimo a tela do telomar, ki locoooooooo. Parabéns, Beliiiiiiiii!!!

Nuria G disse...

Hi Beli!
Thank you for your comments!
I`ve seeing your blog, it´s very interesting and I like a lot your video creation about the picture of Telomar Florêncio, is a very good work (allows the viewer to insert in the picture as if it were a real landscape) and I also like your photos especially those of the washbasin. The pity is don´t understand Portuguese very well but I following your blog!
Best wishes!

Beli disse...

Thank U!
You're always welcome to here. If you want to use my 'videos', or can use, ok? Art for everyone...
Portuguese is very nice, someday you should learn it. Poetry I like...kisses and tkU for following me.

Nuria G disse...

Thank you!! You are very kind! And it´s true, portuguese is beautiful, I have to learn it!
I also like poetry!
Kisses from Madrid! :)